What We Know
Internet technologies are in a constant state of change. We keep on top of the latest trends. Our services include:
- XHTML Standard Compliance
- CSS2 Stylesheet Layouts
- jQuery Javascript Development
- Dojo Javascript Development
- Zend Framework PHP Development
- RSS Feeds
- Facebook Applications / Integration
- Mobile Device layouts compliant with W3C Mobile Web Initiative
Contact us to see how we can meet your project needs.
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Current Positions
PHP Developer
Must be competent in the following:
- PHP 5
- CSS2
- Cross Browser Design (IE6, IE7, FF, Safari)
- jQuery
- Dojo
What We Do
We develop websites and web applications using the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache webserver, MySQL Database, PHP scripting language). Consisting of open-source packages, this environment allows for maximum customization, letting us develop exactly what you need.
How We Do It
Compliance with cutting edge CSS and XHTML web standards and leveraging existing code bases like Zend Framework, Dojo and jQuery means we can meet your web needs faster. Why re-invent the wheel? Combining open-source packages and our extensive proprietary codebase, we reduce the time it takes to develop your site by maximizing knowledge gained through past experience and thousands of hours of work.
When We Do It
The sooner we're involved the better. Building reliable websites starts from the first day of development. When starting from scratch, we have the flexibility to use all of the tools in our toolbox. That said, we do have a lot of experience building on existing projects and we've seen a lot of ways not to develop! -- We look at it as learning from the mistakes of others. At whatever stage, we can help take your project to the next level.
Where We Do It
We are located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
From online surveys to data management to back-end support, we have developed a wide variety of tailored web solutions to meet a range of client needs. Read on for some of the past projects we've worked on and feedback from our clients.
Leaders in online data collection and clinical data management.
iSurvey is a full-featured survey site where clients can create and manage online surveys. PHP Experts has been contracted to continue development of the site. Our contributions have included:
- PostgreSQL and MySQL database optimizaion
- PHP optimization (100x reduction in processing time on key DB queries)
- Yahoo YDN API web interface development
- AJAX web interface development
- Custom HTTP API development
- jQuery enhancement of administrator interface
[Your] upgrade has cut the processing time in at least half.
Senior Research Scientist, CHEO
Yoo Magazine
Health Literacy online magazine for youth.
Yoo Magazine vision: "Health Literacy is a key component of making good choices for your health and well-being. Each month we will focus on a key health issue through a series of novel and interactive materials including interactive and pop-up quizes, infosheets and howtosheets, as well as selected Q&As."
PHP Experts has provided the following services:
- PostgreSQL database development
- Backend PHP programming
- Admin Panel for site management (including CMS, user mangement, etc.)
- API connection to the iSurvey to integrate questionnaire functionality
Firewall Technical
On-site Computer Technical Support and Web Development
Firewall Technical offers a full range of computer and programming services. As a sub-contractor on several projects, PHP Experts continues to deliver web development services. Past and current projects have included:
- MySQL database development
- Backend PHP programming
- CSS stylesheet layouts
- Cross browser layout design